We are simply a group of people who have put their faith in Jesus Christ our Lord for salvation. This salvation was required because, in common with everybody else, we are sinners in the sight of God and can do nothing of ourselves to merit God's favour.
"All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
Romans 3v23
We do not belong to any 'organisation' or 'denomination'. We believe that each church is a fully independent body. There are 'sister' churches in the area, throughout the country and worldwide but each is fully independent, led by a group of elders who are responsible only to God for this activity.
We meet together as Christians for the remembering of the Lord and His death, prayers and Bible teaching
"And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. "
Acts 2v42
We meet at Emmanuel Gospel Hall (see photo above), in Wimborne, Dorset.
We have ample parking, and disabled access through the side of the hall.
For details on how to find the hall, please click here.
For a view inside our hall, please click here.
For details of other local gospel halls (within about 30 miles) click here.
Breaking of Bread 11:00am
Prayer 6:10pm
Hymn Singing 6:20pm
Gospel Service 6:30pm
Prayer and Bible Teaching 7:30pm
Bible Teaching 7pm click here for details